A highly sensitive fibre bundle-based reflective optical sensor has been designed and\nfabricated for Tip Clearance measurements in a turbine rig. The sensor offers high spatial and\ntemporal resolution. The sensor probe consists of a single-mode transmitting fibre and two concentric\nrings of receiving multimode fibres that collect reflected light in a differential detection gain\nconfiguration, yielding a highly linear calibration curve for distance measurements. The clearance\nmeasurement range is approximately 2 mm around the central point fixed at 3.2 mm from the probe\ntip, and the sensitivity of the probe is 61.73 ... The fibre bundle has been designed to ensure\nthat the distance security specifications required for the experimental program of the turbine are met.\nThe optical sensor has operated under demanding conditions set by the blade and casing design.\nThe experimental results obtained so far are promising and lead us to think that the optical sensor\nhas great potential for online clearance measurements with high precision.